The Future of Point Cloud Sharing

Effortless In-Browser Point Cloud Sharing 

No licensing. No downloads. No installation. No Problems! 

PointStream renders point clouds on modern browsers and mobile devices.  

You can store any point cloud data (e.g. LiDAR scans) and share it with colleagues, managers and clients.
All you have to do is send the link.

The WebGL-based viewer works with all modern browsers and most mobile devices.
All versions of your point cloud that you upload are stored and backed-up.
You maintain fine grained control over who can access or modify your point clouds.

Get your head in the clouds!
...with t
he first and only point cloud sharing service

It's Always On

Predictable Costs


High availability and replicated data storage means you don't have to worry about your data.  It's always there.

Everything's hosted on our cloud computing network. Thanks to our modern web technologies, you don't have to worry about software updates, installation, or IT services - it's all done for you.

Never worry about licensing fees or hidden costs. PointStream costs only $199 per month, and you get as many users and uploads as you need.

Any Device Anywhere

Access Control

Full Change History

Your point clouds are available online 24/7 anywhere in the world. Access your point clouds from your desktop, and on mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and laptops

Mark your clouds as Public, Private or Password-Protected. Your data is always safe with our encrypted storage. It's only accessible with your permission.

Every time you upload new versions of your point cloud, they're stored for you along with the previous versions. And with a simple click of a button, you can restore previous versions of your point cloud. Go ahead and experiment without worrying about losing your data!

In-Browser Point Cloud Sharing Made Easy.

PointStream © Copyright 2014

The Easiest Way to Share Point Clouds

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Sign up now, and you'll get PointStream for only $159 a month! 
 (Our regular price is $199 a month)


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